Sleep - 8 Foundations of Health 💤

8 Foundations of Health

Patients are typically only focused on their pain or injury, and we get that, but we see the state of their health and body as a whole. The body is made up of interconnected systems functioning in sync with each other, and the body can only be as strong as the weakest link.

Remember - our whole goal is that if you read these and follow our advice you will NEVER need to see us in the clinic :)


Tips for Falling Asleep?

  1. Wind down ritual for 2-3 hours before bed - the nervous system has inertia so don’t wind it up when you should be winding it down. Part of the wind down routine should also be blocking blue light.

  2. Blue Blocking Glasses (see ugly picture above) - if blue light enters the eye it will tell the body to halt the natural hormonal cascade (including Melatonin release) that is supposed to happen before bed. Recently, Warby Parker started producing lenses that block 70% of blue light.

  3. Shower with a transition from warm to cold - one of the main indicators for our body that it’s time to go night night is temperature. A transition from warm to cold doesn’t always happen because we live in houses, but we can simulate this with a shower that starts on the warm side and ends on the cooler side

Tips for Staying Asleep?

  1. Sun light ASAP in the morning - get those peepers exposed to NATURAL light as early as possible to start the production of Melanopsin which is the precursor to Melatonin. PS - Make sure there are not eye glasses or contact lenses to obstruct the sweet sweet sun.

  2. Visualization meditation - Dreaming, imagination, and visualization all have similarities in the brain. If you want to stay asleep longer, do some direct exercise for that part of the brain while you are awake by frequent visualization meditations. To find these types of mediations and learn more about the appropriate mindset give a quick look and listen here

  3. Ooler unit - remember when we told you that the body used temperature to get its cues on whether you should be awake or asleep? Well, this cold pad that goes under your sheets is a life hack is to keep things colder in the morning so your body thinks it's still night time.

  4. Eye mask + Ear Plugs - your partner may leave you, but at least you are having restful sleep, am i right?? If you can’t get the room dark enough in the morning put on one of these eye masks and see your way to sweet sweet slumber. They also come with free ear plugs so double covered!


A little thing that feels like it's worth a mention:
 This Sunday Steve was mentioned in the NY Times in a piece about winter surfing.  If you have a spare sec and want to check it out - here it is :)


Ergonomics - 8 Foundations of Health 😄

8 Foundations of Health

Patients are typically only focused on their pain or injury, and we get that, but we see the state of their health and body as a whole. The body is made up of interconnected systems functioning in sync with each other, and the body can only be as strong as the weakest link.

Remember - our whole goal is that if you read these and follow our advice you will NEVER need to see us in the clinic :)


Ergonomics - Standing

While we are in Ecuador for our annual medical mission, we are starting with the absolute most boring of the 8 foundations!

Other than laying down, this is the easiest position on your lower back and neck.  Current research is recommending at least a 1:1 ratio of sitting:standing and some research even suggests more of a 1:3 ratio (45 min stand : 15 min sit)

A few things to note to ensure you are doing this safely:

1. Set the top of the monitor at eye level, the elbows bent to 90 degrees and monitors directly in front of you

2.  Work into it slowly - start with 5 minutes every hour and work your way up gradually.  Grab a foot fatigue mat and wear comfortable shoes

3.  Evenly distribute your weight between the heel and the ball of your feet and also keep the same amount of weight on your right and left legs*.  Stand with your 2nd/3rd toes directly under your hips, feet facing front, pelvis slightly tucked under and shoulders back and down

*If you think you have a problem with this grab 2 bathroom scales and see how you stand.

Ergonomics - Sitting

The setup that most of us have, but probably shouldn't.  We're not saying that there aren't ways to make a sitting ergonomic setup more friendly, but research has shown that even with a recline and lumbar support the pressure in the lower back is still less with standing and laying down versus ANY sitting position.  That being said - this is the reality for many of us so let's try and make it as healthy as possible

1.  If you don't have a chair that can recline, get one.  If you DO have a chair that can recline and you don't have a footrest so you can recline, it is useless. An $800 "ergonomic" chair is worth $0 without a $20 footrest

2.  The top of the screen should be at eye level and your forearms should be parallel to the floor

3.  You have to have a lumbar support - snag one on amazon here

A free and "easy" way to mix up your ergonomic set up

Want to increase your brain strength? Lose weight? Have better digestion? Have an excuse for being a messy eater? Actually remember people’s names? 

The answer is right (or left) at your fingertips (see what we did there?) and can start today by accepting our #switchyohand challenge - you heard it here first people!

30 days and if you hate it feel free to spend the rest of your life normal


The 3 steps (once you start a step keep it up till the end)

  1. 10 days brush your teeth with your opposite hand

  2. 10 days of eating with your opposite hand

  3. 10 days of using your computer mouse with the opposite hand

Then start to sign your credit card receipts (frankly, nobody reads those anyway) and dedicate 1 side of your written journal to the task. We suggest breaking your journal down by the 2 sides of the book. With your dominant hand, write on that side of the page “What’s on my mind” and with your non-dominant hand, write on that side of the page “What I’ve learned” It’ll help to really drive home solution based thinking - Go!


8 Foundations of Health 🏂

8 Foundations of Health

Patients are typically only focused on their pain or injury, and we get that, but we see the state of their health and body as a whole. The body is made up of interconnected systems functioning in sync with each other, and the body can only be as strong as the weakest link.

Without some of the following pre-requisites, your body doesn't stand a chance of dealing with a current injury or avoiding injury down the road, no less feeling fine on the day to day. These principles are commonly talked about but not usually understood, and we like to make sure you know why we're asking you to make modification in your life.

Exercise + Ergonomics

Don't have an entire hour to dedicate to a workout today? No worries, we've all been there. But you're in luck, its been shown that as little as 10 minutes of exercise can illicit a beneficial response!

And if you think your ergonomic set up could be better, you're probably right. But again don't sweat it, we have a few tricks on how to improve that situation.


Sleep + Stress

Are you getting a full 7 hours of sleep at night and feeling calm throughout the day? Probably not, that's become a luxury in today's day and age. Stress and sleep are closely related and have a huge impact on the rest of your health, but we know a few techniques to maximize your sleep and minimize your stress.


Breathing + Connection

What could be more important than breathing?! Everybody does it, but not that many know how to do it correctly. There are many schools of thought on what's the best way to breathe, but in reality, it all depends on what benefits you're looking for. Different methods produce different results.

We may come across as hippies here, but the research is iron-clad. Connection to yourself (a part of mindfulness), your community, and nature are all intricate in optimum health. Here we share some clever ways we recommend to connect.

Hydration + Diet

Everybody knows water is essential to literally everything, but what they don't always know is that hydration can come from various places and it's not just the tap.  Sometimes you gotta eat your hydration. 

We will help you with that and also the most complicated topic, diet, but we can't talk to you about diet without talking to you about digestion.  We will keep it common sense about what all solid diets have in common and also give you tips on figuring out YOUR body

Get ready for your some simple, user friendly, and hopefully helpful info!

1% for the Kids 🚼

Medical Mission Ecuador!

We are gearing up for this years trip and wanted to thank everyone who donated from last year and let you know how you could help this year!

If you didn't already know, MME is an amazing non-profit organization dedicated to helping children affected by neurological and other diseases who don’t have access to sufficient medical care.  Through the week-long medical mission, they provide free surgeries, physical and occupational therapy, medication, equipment, and education to their parents and families on how to care for child in the future.

Every year, we pay our own way to volunteer for the week and help those in need.  This past year, we received a ton of help from our patients to fundraise and were able to make a huge difference in the lives of not only the children affected, but their families as well.

Last year was another HUGE success!

345 kids received close to 1,250 treatments from the 75 healthcare professionals who went down to Ambato!
143 wheelchairs were donated or fixed up!

All together, over 4,000 lives were changed forever by the end of the week, because one child's immobility has a ripple effect on their caregivers, family, and friends.

We'd like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us help these kids:

  • Gotham Gym

  • Aline Thompson

  • Robert Vocile

  • Dave Chorest

  • Florence Wong

  • William Ragozzino

  • Ari Cooperman

  • Rob Spaz

  • Kristi Schmidt

  • Ceci Van Bierkom

  • Peter Warwick

  • Kelly Weiner

  • Stacey Clarke

  • Stuart Litwin

  • Peter Waldren

  • Declan Gaul

  • Meagan Kessel

  • Kate Bishop

  • Michael Harper

  • Kristin O'Brien

  • Carolyn Horan

  • Andrew Wilson

  • Suzanne Carrazza

  • Ryan Bubb

  • Stroh Family

  • Necole Johnson

  • Kelly + Jennifer

  • Ellen Abramowitz

  • June Lawrence

  • May Glessner

  • Barbara + Joe Perry

  • Paul Dingee

  • Carla Bernol

  • Jill + Jerry Monaco

  • Jade Giffin

  • Thomas Horan

  • Katarina Eichenfeldt

  • Nina Figeuroa

  • Laura Hughes

  • Joan Eichenfeldt

  • Francis Perry

  • Josh Miller

  • Thomas Horan



Want to help even more?

There are two big ways you can still contribute to this amazing organization!

  1. MME fundraises all year on their website, so click here to make a donation that will go towards helping a child and their family during the next medical mission.  

  2. Choose Medical Mission Ecuador as your AmazonSmile charity.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to your chosen charity, just be sure to make all orders through!  Follow the steps below to find out how to set this up and do some good with every bulk order of laundry detergent:

If its your first time visiting AmazonSmile, you'll be prompted to choose a charity right away, so just search and select Medical Mission-Ecuador Inc.

If you already have a charity chosen, you can change it to MME very easily.  On an actual computer, start at and find Supporting: *your chosen organization* underneath the search bar, and click Change to bring you to the charity search page. Then just search and select Medical Mission-Ecuador Inc.

Balance = Good 🔶 Falling = Bad

Balance Problems?
Neck Problems?

Your shoulder + hip + knee + lower back are going to be next. 

When you don't have enough NECK mobility the rest of your body has to work DOUBLE time

If you can't LOOK to the right you have to use your whole body to TURN to the right

Balance is the integration of vision + the vestibular system + proprioception

iPT's 8 Foundations of Movement Assessment

Consists of 8 different tests that have been precisely developed & programmed together in order to evaluate the differences in range of motion & strength from one side of the body to the other.

The 7th & 8th tests of the Foundations of Movement are:

- Cervical Range of Motion
- Single Leg Stance

Didn't do so hot on those?

We are here to help!



👤 How Heavy Is Yo Head?

It's actually 10+ lbs

why should I care?

These sustained postures will
increase load & eventually effect our spine

Want to know if you have been effected?

Check out the tests below

iPT's 8 Foundations of Movement Assessment

Consists of 8 different tests that have been precisely developed & programmed together in order to evaluate the differences in range of motion & strength from one side of the body to the other.

The 5th & 6th tests of the Foundations of Movement are:

- Rotating Plank
- Wall Angel

Didn't do so well? No sweat.

Marc is here to help!



FOM Newsletter #2 (Bridge Squeeze & HF March)

All Rise! Now we don't want you to be scared to sit, but let's be clear - you should move as much as possible

Want to know if the effects have set in?

Don't worry - we know just what to test!


iPT's 8 Foundations of Movement Assessment

Consists of 8 different tests that have been precisely developed & programmed together in order to evaluate the differences in range of motion & strength from one side of the body to the other.

The 3rd & 4th tests of the Foundations of Movement focus on the HIPS and are:
- Bridge Squeeze
- Hip Flexor March

Didn't do well on these?

Marc can help!


Did we mention that we now offer weekend hours...


See Marc or Die*

*Eventually :) 

The world is in a current movement crisis!

Exercise Increases Life Expectancy

Are you meeting your current physical activity guidelines?

According to the World Health Organization & Center for Disease Control & Prevention

You should get at least 150 minutes moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic physical activity throughout the week

in order to have to worry less about ...

All-cause mortality rates + Depression + Coronary heart disease + High blood pressure +Stroke +Type II diabetes + Colon / breast cancer + Metabolic syndrome + Bone health

Luckily there is a cure and we have the perfect place to start!

iPT's 8 Foundations of Movement Assessment

Consists of 8 different tests that have been precisely developed & programmed together in order to evaluate the differences in range of motion & strength from one side of the body to the other.

The first two tests of the Foundations of Movement are:
1. Cowboy Sit +
2. Shin Box +

Click Here to Schedule a "Foundations of Movement" Session


Help Us Welcome Marc To The Team!

Help Us Welcome Marc To The Team! 

     We are extremely excited to announce that we have added Marc Drobenko to the Integrated Health Sciences team! Marc has had many interesting experiences that brings quite a uniqueness to the clinic at iPT!


     Marc graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2015 where he obtained his undergraduate degree in Athletic Training / Sports Medicine.  As a sophomore in college, Marc interned with Stanford University’s Football Team for the 2013 Preseason Training Camp. From this experience, Marc quickly realized the importance of two things: (a) the importance of continuing education in order to advance himself to be the best version of himself and (b) the importance of having an interdisciplinary approach when working with any individual in the health & performance world. After he received his bachelor’s degree, Marc packed his bags and headed to California. Little did he know that his 2013 internship essentially was his future job interview with one of the most prestigious universities & athletic programs in the world. He was hired by Stanford University to serve as an Athletic Trainer for their Football & Synchronized Swimming programs.
     At Stanford, Marc was a member of the 2016 Rose Bowl Championship team as well as a member of the National Champion Synchronized Swimming team. Throughout his time, Marc experienced working with some of the most elite athletes in the country, including 25+ current NFL players & Olympians. Marc understands the ins & outs of what it takes to compete & be sustainable at elite levels of performance. Aside from his two primary sport assignments, Marc gained experience with Stanford’s swimming and diving, soccer, and golf programs. Marc served as the Host Athletic Trainer for the 1st & 2nd Rounds of the 2016 Women’s March Madness Tournament hosted at Stanford. At the 2016 LPGA Tour U.S. Open at Cordevalle, Marc and the rest of Stanford Sports Medicine were hired to perform Functional Movement Screens for the general population. 

      Upon leaving Stanford, Marc returned back to Quinnipiac University as a Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer in order to obtain his Master’s in Business with a concentration in Healthcare Administration. At Quinnipiac, Marc worked with many of the university’s teams including: baseball, softball, cross country, track & field, women’s lacrosse, tennis, & golf. This past April, Marc served as the Host Athletic Trainer for the 2019 Geico High School Basketball National Championship at Christ the King High School. 

Approach & Philosophies: 

     Marc takes a unique approach to movement. Over the last four years, Marc has been studying Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, a neurodevelopmental approach based out of Prague, Czech Republic; his studies have included two trips to learn under inventor Dr. Pavel Kolar himself as well as his staff. Furthermore, Marc has been fortunate enough to have taken courses led by world leading spine researcher in low back pain Dr. Stuart McGill as well as courses led by Dr. Craig Liebenson, an internationally known rehabilitation specialist promoting health span.  


     Some of Marc’s professional interests include developmental kinesiology, neurology, biomechanics, low back pain, spine health, sports performance, movement medicine, philosophy, psychology, and mind-body connection. Some of Marc’s personal interests include a passion for basketball and golf, he loves to dance, plays and listens to music, appreciates photography, cooking, and reads about self development and motivation.

Picture taken by Marc at Pebble Beach Hole 7 during the Pebble Beach Pro-Am Classic

Click Here to Schedule a "Pure Movement" Session with Marc!


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600 Washington Street
New York, NY 10014

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3 Horneys and Eichenfeldt walk into a medical mission

It's that time of year again...

Steve, Karl, Papa + Mama Dukes are headed back down to
Ambato, Ecuador
for Medical Mission Ecuador!

The Fantastic Four are going to be volunteering their time and services to a great cause called Medical Mission Ecuador for the 4th year in a row. MME is a wonderful organization that's been around for 25 years. Each year a team of surgeons, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, prosthetists, other healthcare practitioners, and equipment techs travel to Ambato, Ecuador to provide free medical services to underprivileged children. While many medical missions have different destinations each year, we appreciate the consistency of MME and that we're able to see many of the same patients from year to year. 

Let's take a quick look back at last year's
very successful medical mission. 

By the end of the 2 weeks, just under 300 kids received over 1000 treatments, and 87 wheelchairs + strollers were given to children!

Very impressive, but we think we can do better this year!

Check out this video highlighting all of the amazing things the team was able to accomplish with the help of your donations on our Facebook page.  It's set to the tune of Michael Jackson's Heal the World, so obviously its a must-watch.

And watch our *exclusive* behind the scenes footage of the trip in our highlights on our Instagram page. 

Show the kids some love ❤️

You can help this great cause and sponser a child by donating a stroller for $80!  If all of the strollers have sold out at the local store, your donation will go toward necessary wheelchair supplies, tools, and storage for the wheelchair crew.  Either way, your money is going to make a difference for the people of Ambato, Ecuador!  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Let's do some good together.

Follow this link to make your donation today!

Steve, Karl, Fernando v. Aretha, Celine, Whitney - who ya got?

Allow us to formally introduce ourselves

Some of you know us personally, like very personally, but some of you don't really know us at all.  So we're going to take this opportunity to tell you guys about iPT and the guys behind it all.

Our Town Magazine named us the
best physical therapy in downtown Manhattan!

First up is Steve Horney - the man in the green pants

Before Steve started recording himself shirtless, moving through very specific ranges of motion for our educational benefit, he started at Quinnipiac University in their top-ranked accelerated Master's program.  He graduated and started his clinical practice in 2005, and ever since has prided himself on treating his patients with a combo of PT knowledge and experiences as an athlete.  Steve's ultimate goal for his patients is to help them become pain free and less susceptible to future injuries by working with them one-on-one to find the root cause of their issue.

Steve, Karl, & Papa Dukes (a.k.a - Fred Horney) are heading back down to Ambato, Ecuador.

Steve & Karl are volunteering their time and services to a great cause called Medical Mission Ecuador (click the link for more info). MME is a wonderful organization that's been around for 24 years. Each year, a team of surgeons, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, prosthetists, other healthcare practitioners, and equipment techs travel to Ambato, Ecuador to provide free medical services to underprivileged children. While many medical missions travel to different places, we liked that there is consistency and that we're able to see many of the same patients from year to year. 

Flex Your Spending Account & Muscles with Fernando!

Only 2 more weeks until your flex spending account disappears forever!

(here's how to use and not lose it)

Steve - Who has the best hands you know? Where is the bathroom? How do you keep your chiseled physique?

These are questions I get asked on the daily and I'll choose to answer one, right here right now.  Fernando "Manos de Angel" Moreno has the best hands in the game, hence this dulce nickname.