We pride ourselves on practicing the most current interventions in physical therapy rehabilitation.  Our interventions are evidence based and focus on relieving your pain and making you less susceptible to injury in the future


Manual physical therapy


This is an area where we believe we separate ourselves from the rest of the pack. A truly skilled clinician can make some very impressive gains by using their two best tools: their mind and their hands. Manual therapy will have a combination of soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, massage techniques, trigger point therapy, along with joint mobilization / manipulation to help to loosen restrictions in the body.

Movement Sciences


Move well and then move often! That may be easier said than done, but with the right coach it can actually be quite enjoyable. We know the human body, how it works and also how sometimes it doesn’t work. Human movement falls into basic categories and we know the preparations and the progressions to achieve the highest potential

Neuromuscular re-education

There are two major components that go into how hard a muscle can contract. One is the input it receives from its innervated nerve, and the other is the amount of muscle it has to work with. Often, a muscle will still be the same size, yet not working to its full potential. From something simple like tapping an underperforming muscle to much more complicated principles involving overflow from connected muscle groups, we find ways to switch your muscles back on.

Therapeutic exercise and activity

Working hand in hand with neuromuscular re-education, therapeutic exercise and activity is another way to increase strength and flexibility. These exercises and activities will be specifically tailored to the weakness that is contributing to your dysfunction and the stiffness which is involved in your pain. Therapeutic exercises and activity can range anywhere from stretching out your calves against a wall, bending down with proper posture, or even squatting with weights.

Core stability training


Recently, a greater emphasis has been placed on the muscles that control your trunk and stabilize your spine - and with good reason. If this section of your body cannot maintain stability, the rest of your body will have to compensate, which may result in injury. Simply put - you can’t fire a cannon from a canoe.

Postural Training / Gait training

The position of our bodies, or posture, can be the single most detrimental task we perform throughout the day, if that posture that is not using the body’s natural curves and structure correctly. For most of us, walking, sitting, standing, and sleeping make up the majority of our day. If we are not doing these activities correctly, there is a certain amount of wear and tear that will accumulate over time. Being able to attain and maintain a neutral position for your body, along with having an ergonomic set up at work and home that is adapted to your specific size and shape, is something that I will help you with to ensure a proper position for healing.

Proprioception is the body’s ability to sense position, location, orientation and movement. Since this is a very high form of sensation, it is very sensitive to disruption and is often compromised with injury. If balance and proprioception are not restored, greater problems could result down the road because, just as with core stability training, the rest of the body will have to compensate.

Balance & proprioceptive training