Safety is our number one concern. We take the Hippocratic oath very seriously (even though we aren’t doctors) and acknowledge the responsibility that comes with being a healthcare provider. While the list below does not include everything, these are just a few of the steps we are taking in order to ensure your safety and our safety

  1. I will continue to get tested every week with a nasal swab rapid test

  2. I spray all the areas we use with hospital grade disinfectant that kills 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, and fungus and continue to clean whatever is used

  3. I wear a KN95 mask and require all patients to wear masks from start to finish (if they don't have a thick mask I provide them with one)

  4. When a patient walks in I:

    • take their temperature

    • take their pulse ox

    • they have already been sent a current list of symptoms from the CDC and have been told to cancel if they have any of them

    • spray down the table in front of them with hospital grade disinfectant

  5. I sanitize my hands when necessary

  6. Whenever possible coaching is done at a distance

  7. When doing hands on work I am either working outside or in a room with 2 ventilation units .. The top of the line IQAir Unit is one of them and here is the certificate for our room specifications

  8. We also have a UV air filter running the entire time on the opposite side of the room

This is a new situation so please make any suggestions that you have as to how we can make you feel more comfortable or you think we can be safer to


Steve Horney PT, MPT


We were interviewed talking about the extra precautions we are taking in the unique time. Here is the video so you can see for yourself


We use this BMJ journal article as our guide for the risk of transmission and suggest you do the same