I find it really challenging to treat my patients, run a business, take the courses I want to take, be a present husband/friend/family member, exercise, meditate, eat right AND try and build an online platform so that hopefully I can one day get some passive income and be able to spend more time with a future family. That's where Nick came in. He has helped me understand what needs to be done in the ever changing social media and digital advertising world so that at least I know the rules of the game I am trying to play! Nick will kindly answer the following questions on Fireside5: 1. What are the best ways to grow on Instagram organically? 2. What should healthcare professionals be doing more of digitally to adapt to quarantine? 3. What do you think of tiktok possibly being banned in America? 4. Outside of Instagram, what do you think is important for healthcare professionals to start doing more regarding digital marketing? 5. What do you think will happen to all those healthcare professionals with fake followers? Nick has been really helpful to give guidance on where to put my efforts online. He is informed on the current algorithms of the major social media outlets and has a team that helps when necessary. It has been easier to start this next phase with his guidance and I know he will be willing to answer any questions that you may have regardless of whether your business is in healthcare, plumbing, or accounting.
4:05 : Nick Abraham follows Steve in introducing himself and his background in digital marketing
8:38 : The best ways to grow Instagram organically through manual engagement and creating better content
17:39 : Steve and Nick summarize the basic concepts to help build your social media on Instagram
19:43 : Why healthcare providers should be doing more email marketing during quarantine
24:00 : Steve gives his two cents on the importance of building a network
28:53 : What the TikTok is, and Nick's thoughts on the popular social media platform
34:52 : What healthcare workers need to do more of regarding digital marketing outside of Instagram
39:39 : Nick describes the marketing term Lead Magnet
43:16 : Fake followers, what they do, how people get them, and how to grow followers naturally
48:57 : Q&A