How to SAFELY Power & Olympic Lift with Dr. Mike Lella Jr. DPT

If a specific coaching technique can help someone stabilize their body and lift over 2x their body weight then you can bet it will help you to safely move a significantly lower weight. It's something I say to my patients all the time because I want them to understand that PTs can learn from power and olympic weight lifters as much as we can learn from medical doctors. Enter Dr. Mike Lella Jr., DPT - a unique physical therapist with a passion and understanding of both power and olympic weight lifting. Mike will kindly answer the following on FiRE5: How do you coach the power and olympic lifts? How do I gain strength without sacrificing safety? What makes you personally different as a Physical Therapist? How do you help athletes break through strength/performance plateaus? Why do you harp so much on “FEEL”?

2:01 : Dr. Mike Leila introduces himself, and Steve and Mike relate on PT graduate school and where they are now

16:27 : How to safely coach and cue power and olympic lifts 

29:41 : Dr. Mike walks through the hang clean movement and the importance of mobility drills and technique 

46:04 : Detailed breakdown of the dead lift and its cues 

53:09 : Steve explains his style when it comes to coaching and cues 

54:38 : Mikes squat notes when it comes to the knees, breath, and what muscles should be engaged 

1:06:38 : A deeper dive into cues involving the feet, tension, breath and mobility 

1:13:20 : How to gain strength without sacrificing safety or technique, and how essential recovery is 

1:22:58 : What makes Dr.Mike different as a physical therapist 

1:30:04 : How to help people break through plateaus

1:33:29 : The reason Dr. Mike works with feel and mindfulness 

1:46:32 : Closing remarks and where to find Mike